Sunday, March 1, 2009


The Odyssey of literature, Ὀδύσσεια, is the story of the ten year voyage of Ulysses from Troy home to Ithaca and his family. The Odyssey of New Orleans is a much longer s story, beginning with its establishment by Jean Baptiste La Moyne, Sieur de Bienville in 1718. It was established because of its location and as a means of a way to control the wealth of the North American interior. Its location caused the French to refer to it as the “Isle d’Orleans” for indeed it was and it became both a cultural and physical island. As authors McNabb and Madere described it “New Orleans, then, began as a cultural as well as a physical island, an island poorly connected with the immediate hinterland, but with superb connections with the larger world. As an oasis of civilization in a hostile swamp, New Orleans came to feel itself a very special place. Having conquered the dismal swamp, New Orleans was confident of a brilliant future.”
Yes it was and still can be brilliant future, the resulting Odyssey of many cultures and ethnic groups – French, German, African, Italian, Irish, etc. However, as Odysseus and his men were intrigued by the Sirens of his story - Sailors who sailed near were compelled by the Sirens' enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast – so have the citizens of New Orleans been compelled by the promises and platitudes of policitians (modern day Sirens) which has resulted in the destruction of New Orleans. Katrina was not the cause of this city’s destruction but it was its leaders over the years that have caused the self destruction of this city with its once brilliant future. Now we are faced with the debacle and the daily recordation of death and mayhem.
From the days of its beginning, through the days of slavery and the reign of King Cotton, through the wars that have occurred over time, we are now faced with the war of hatred and contempt created by the leaders of this city, who have used and abused the citizens for years. Over the coming days and weeks, I will post looking at what I see as the various wars that have caused the destruction of the city that once had such a brilliant future.


  1. Siren's prey, it has always been sirens, no matter where you live. The citizens with the least resistance to the siren call, the weakest, the oldest, the most frail. I hope your find a way to pray for souls that need to stand up and be counted amoung the do'ers that will stand up and be here today for your needs. I do not live in New Orleans but I will pray and I am hopeful when you need me to help I will be strong enough to stand up and say "what do you need". God bless you.

  2. The Sirens have been many over the years. Now to look at those of more recent times.

  3. It has been a while since I said: "I will post looking at what I see as the various wars that have caused the destruction of the city that once had such a brilliant future." Over the weeks and months that have passed, I have seen much in this city - death in various hideous forms, the mess in City Hall, the political squabbling over Charity Hospital, the continuing decline in the economy, the lack of true leadership on all levels of government, and a malaise that ordinary citizens are fighting in the best way that they can. The future of our children and our city are at stake and our leaders are inept and involved in the politics of the game to such an extent that the harm continues to destroy this city, this state, and this nation. A ground swell will start taking place in the coming months as people realize more and more the mistakes that they have made in electing incompetent and ill prepared people for leadership. Instead of voting for the best our citizens look to other factors, of little consequence, in making their decision. It is not the first time not the last that this will happen. However, at the present time citizens hurting from the actions of their leaders will react and start exercising more and more care instead of merely listening to political rhetoric and looking at the ancestry of the candidate. Now will be the time that I will start posting more and more about the comining local elections and these posts will be strong and determined. We will no longer accept the cronies of any politician, we will no longer look at ancestry, we will no longer chose along party lines but we must and shall chose the best. Care to join the battle and create a new frontier, not in space but here in New Orleans, in Louisiana, and in the state? I dare you to take a stand. Do you care enough to take that dare?
