Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Plato said: “Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.” In this city we call home there is a greater need for people to reach out to others in friendship and to offer hope. The time has come to learn from the evils of the past and to let them rest. To take what we have learned and to turn this city around is a goal that all citizens should seek. Therefore, on this day some call Mardi Gras, others Fat Tuesday, and others Shrove Tuesday, let us all strive to become refreshed during the days ahead and to unify in seeking the solutions to the problems. May we look at our actions, assess them, and correct them. May we hold out our hands in friendship to all. May we offer our help to all. May we begin to inspire others to do the same. Perhaps we can begin a renovation of this city.

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