Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sir Walter Scott once stated: “A sound head, an honest heart, and an humble spirit are the three best guides through time and to eternity” He also stated: “Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive”. This week I have seen actions taken by the City Council, the resulting act of the Mayor, the legal decision relative to access by WWL-TV to public records, the failure of the Mayor and his staff to abide by the law, the order of Judge Ledet, the failure to abide by the order, the request for a contempt order, etc. In light of what I have read I can only say that the most applicable quote would be the second quote of Sir Walter Scott. The Mayor and his staff are weaving a tangled web which will further restrict the future of this city and the attempt of citizens to unite in an attempt to create a city which will welcome all. I have live through decades and not seen such hatred and contempt being expressed by the Mayor, his staff, and other of his supporters. This race baiting web of deceit is harmful to all people. One can only hope that justice will eventually result from the courts or a vote of the citizens of this city. It would be better, Mr. Mayor, if you were to follow the first quote above by Sir Walter Scott.

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